Category Archives: legalize weed

Let us smoke our safe little plant

It is crazy how many people are dieing from alcohol abuse and yet alcohol roams free while our safe little plant mary jane is inching forward from the darkness trying to become fully legal.

Everybody who has taken a critical look, has known for a long time that marijuana is safe.  Just go back in time and ask the DEA.  Remember back in 1988 when, DEA administrative judge Francis Young recommended legalizing marijuana? No? Well me either really because I was three at the time, or stoned I forget.

Anyways, Francis said “Marijuana, in it’s natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man kind.”  Wise words Francis… That’s something I usually never say about a member of the DEA.  Let us smoke our safe little plant!  We promise we won’t smoke the 80 lbs all at once necessary to overdose….. 😉

Want to let the world know it’s OK to smoke our safe little plant?  Email your thoughts and comments to