National Pot Policies Must Be Reconciled

National Pot Policies are beginning to get out of control.  As a patient, it is extremely difficult navigating Federal, State, County, and City laws and ordinances.  National Pot Policies are extremely confusing and contradictory so it becomes tough to feel safe as a medical marijuana patient.
The Obama administration has dicked us over and have been shutting down dispensaries all over Orange County.  I’ve seen a bunch of dispensaries in Gatden Grove go belly up because of this.  It appears most who are being shut down are laundering money and dealing recreationally “out the back” of the store.  As a society we must reform Medical Marijuana policies and create a better system

How confusing can medical marijuana law really be though right?  Well, read this excerpt featured on Cannabis News “Just to show how complex all of this has grown, read the following passage from the [California State] court’s ruling. Wrote the court: “There is a distinction in law between not making an activity unlawful and making the activity lawful. An activity may be prohibited, neither prohibited nor authorized, or authorized.”

Wait what?! So I guess medical marijuana is neither prohibited nor authorized…… Hmm  I’m stymied.

Click here!  to read more from Cannabis News on National Pot Policies.

We Should Legalize Weed Music

Weed Music makes my stoney ears happy.  Today’s installment of Weed Music is a break from our typical Mainstream Hip Hop, and we are breaking off into an unknown independent rock (that almost wants to be punk)

Just blazing some of that  Osama Bud laden

Well I’ve got some of that tasty Ghanjaleeza Rice.

Pack up Barack Obonga!  Yes we Can!

Weed music and all the Children sing…. We should Legalize Weed!

Enjoy Weed Music!

Smoke Porn 7

Smoke Porn 7 features two hot busty babes smoking marijuana.

Much love to Alissa, Taryn, and all the Weed Girls out there sending in submissions to be featured on Greenkick’s smoke porn section. Please send all requests and inquires to

Side note: A crafty stoner could make a similar crocheted bikini. What bikini you ask? If you didn’t notice this already staring at Alissa’s Rack….. look again and you’ll see what I mean. Skilled Stoners, check out Crochet Geek For free instructions to make a similar sexy smoke porn bikini.

Quit Playin Games Hoe by 8ball

Weed Music with 8ball the mouth from the south! Greenkick brings you good weed music! Our favorite line is “You can smell it on my clothes so it ain’t no secret.”


Smoke Porn 6

This Smoke Porn photo captures the whimsical beauty of a marijuana smokers world. Enjoy and remember to check out our Smoke Porn Category Page! Click the Smoke Porn Category found in our Category cloud on the right at any time to find more sexy stoner chicks. For more boobs, babes, and bongs go to our Smoke Porn page.

Smoke Porn 5

Some more Smoke Porn for you smokers out there. Check out Stephanie and her Green Leaves. This Sexy San Diego resident and Budtender loves the smell of Kush and is a Cannabis Connoisseur of Greenkick Standards.

To see more of her CLICK NOW and check out Stephanie’s profile on High Times

Californians Protest Federal Pot Crackdown

Californians statewide are protesting the feds crackdown on pot, medical marijuana, and medical marijuana dispensaries. Greenkick brings you this Breaking News via California Norml. As an Orange County resident, I can tell you for a fact, medical marijuana is the main topic of conversation being heard in breakrooms, bars, and neighborhood ball games

US Attorneys in California have begun sending letters to landlords of dispensaries threatening them with property forfeiture and criminal penalties. They have only targeted a small handful of dispensaries, although the mass media seems to be proclaiming otherwise. It isn’t affecting the majority of collectives and dispensaries open.

Supporters rallied around the Sacramento Courthouse last Friday October 7th, 2011. Supporters are fighting against the ever-tightening governmental grasp on medical marijuana. Similar to recent orange county laws created and imposed, the feds are trying to dictate strict local zoning rules against the wishes of patients, and business owners within the marijuana community.

Medical Marijuana business owners are being shut down and forced out of the industry over paperwork and the ever-tightening grasp of big government.

Want to read more on the crippling penalties the Fed has imposed on our growing medical marijuana industry? Shocking news of Banks denying service to California 4.5 billion dollar medical marijuana industry! Get informed and stop the Department of Treasury from Hurting Cannabis Entrepeneurs! READ MORE CLICK HERE!

Paranoia or Preservation?

A Pot Smoker is Busted every 45 Seconds…

And you wonder why we’re paranoid. On top of that we have had 23 million marijuana arrests since 1937.

Cannabis Prohibition more than run it’s course. No more penalizing, prosecuting, arresting, and incarcerating those who use cannabis for medical or recreational use. Drug testing is one of Greenkicks’ biggest concerns as negative tests can create false labels for life and cause drastic economic harm to myself and other productive pot smokers who are stigmatized out of good jobs.

Stop punishing positive and productive potsmoking people. Currently there are over 850,000 cannabis-related arrests per year in the US. Almost 90% of those arrests are for possession-only recreational and medical marijuana users. We must end the chain of punishment for smokers. Is it any wonder marijuana smokers have paranoia? Self preservation causes us to be wary of others. Paranoid potsmokers be careful out there, and continue to improve marijuana laws. Overtime we can drop paranoia off the list, and leave munchies, pain-relief, good-times, and psychedelic highs.

Bob Marley- Rebel Music (Weed) ft. Krayzie Bone

The original Weed song by Bob Marley and Krazie Bone. Tell me why can’t we be what we wanna be? We want to be free
Light up and live your life. Uplift yourself and uplift those around you.

Medical marijuana activists kick off campaign to repeal SJ ordinance

A coalition of medical marijuana patients and activists, including former state Sen. John Vasconcellos, kicked off a campaign Wednesday to repeal an ordinance passed by elected leaders that they say will harm patients and the economy.

For the full story click Here…