Category Archives: legalize it

Californians Protest Federal Pot Crackdown

Californians statewide are protesting the feds crackdown on pot, medical marijuana, and medical marijuana dispensaries. Greenkick brings you this Breaking News via California Norml. As an Orange County resident, I can tell you for a fact, medical marijuana is the main topic of conversation being heard in breakrooms, bars, and neighborhood ball games

US Attorneys in California have begun sending letters to landlords of dispensaries threatening them with property forfeiture and criminal penalties. They have only targeted a small handful of dispensaries, although the mass media seems to be proclaiming otherwise. It isn’t affecting the majority of collectives and dispensaries open.

Supporters rallied around the Sacramento Courthouse last Friday October 7th, 2011. Supporters are fighting against the ever-tightening governmental grasp on medical marijuana. Similar to recent orange county laws created and imposed, the feds are trying to dictate strict local zoning rules against the wishes of patients, and business owners within the marijuana community.

Medical Marijuana business owners are being shut down and forced out of the industry over paperwork and the ever-tightening grasp of big government.

Want to read more on the crippling penalties the Fed has imposed on our growing medical marijuana industry? Shocking news of Banks denying service to California 4.5 billion dollar medical marijuana industry! Get informed and stop the Department of Treasury from Hurting Cannabis Entrepeneurs! READ MORE CLICK HERE!

Let us smoke our safe little plant

It is crazy how many people are dieing from alcohol abuse and yet alcohol roams free while our safe little plant mary jane is inching forward from the darkness trying to become fully legal.

Everybody who has taken a critical look, has known for a long time that marijuana is safe.  Just go back in time and ask the DEA.  Remember back in 1988 when, DEA administrative judge Francis Young recommended legalizing marijuana? No? Well me either really because I was three at the time, or stoned I forget.

Anyways, Francis said “Marijuana, in it’s natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man kind.”  Wise words Francis… That’s something I usually never say about a member of the DEA.  Let us smoke our safe little plant!  We promise we won’t smoke the 80 lbs all at once necessary to overdose….. 😉

Want to let the world know it’s OK to smoke our safe little plant?  Email your thoughts and comments to

Dr. Greenthumb weed music by Cypress Hill

Just chilling today wanting to bring you a classic weed tune Dr. Greenthumb.  Press play, smoke, and enjoy the video!  Read on if you want to learn a bit about what Greenkick is up to today.

Today we are chilling with some friends smoking and just casually discussing legalization and weed.  Typical stoner conversation and it’s bringing a lot of dejavu.  Of course we talk about our ability to legally grow our own marijuana as medical patients.  This is awesome!

Today we are watching in awe as beautiful plants grow.  It’s great to watch their progress week after week stopping by for a sesh’, even if they aren’t my own green babies. So many strides have occurred in the world of marijuana. It is a shame the green goddess has been avidly scandalized and prosecuted for most of my life.

Watching some clones chill and Mr. all natural organic Big Bubba Kush start to flower is a natural peaceful sight. 

Being able to legally grow and respect cannabis to it’s fullest is a blessing.  It is time to take it a step further and fully legalize the plant we all know and love. Cannabis and hemp were essential to our great nation’s founding and economy. Let our nation rise from the ashes of recession with our jade founding father: Cannabis.

Toodle’s for today!  Hope you enjoyed our mindless nug chatter today… kinda been one of those circles. Have any funny or interesting weed circle stories to tell?  Remember any great (or typical stoner) conversations you’ve had with friends that merit repeating?

Email and get your story featured on the blog.