Category Archives: greenkick

Three small rules for living a happy life

1. Start each day with a grateful heart.
2. Focus on the positive aspects of every person you encounter.
3. End each day with a grateful heart.

Lucy MacDonald

Make Yourself A Dang Quesa-Dilla via The High Dieter

The High Dieter » Make Yourself A Dang Quesa-Dilla | Healthy Quesadilla Recipe.

This recipe is here to help you.  How many times have you gotten super high and gorged on unhealthy and ungodly amounts of junk food?  It’s ok we’ve all been there.  In fact it’s fun to do from time to time.  However, when you are looking for something super dank and healthy check out this Quesadilla from the folks at The High Dieter.

We here at Greenkick like the High Dieter because their recipes are easy to make, healthy, and dank munchy worthy morsels of goodness.
So click on the link or the tantalizing picture and make yourself a Dang Quesa-Dilla today

Have a favorite recipe you just love to make while blazed?  Email us at and we will feature it on the blog.

Stoned drivers: sometimes slow but still safe.

Two decades of research show that marijuana use may actually reduce driver accidents.

If you are in the mood for a bit of research explore the litany of links provided by Cannabis Culture magazine

Stoned drivers are safe drivers | Cannabis Culture Magazine.

Comments, Questions, and Suggestions? Email

Sativas, Indicas, or Hybrids?

Sativas, Indicas, or Hybrids?

I know I know, most of us would smoke all of the above.

For this poll just think what if…

What if you only had one choice….

Cali Kickback

Kickin’ back vaping some Snowcap from my silver surfer vaporizer and life feels great.  It’s still very surreal being here in California.  I’m an Oregon Transplant enjoying the benefits of my freshly minted California Medical Marijuana doctor’s recommendation.  The first trip was out of this world.  I remember sitting in the parking lot of the doctor’s office, grasping my paper holy grail of legalization whilst feeling euphoric waves surge out to my entire body.  Next stop… dispensary.  A quick click on my trusty tech sidekick (hooray smart phone) and I wound my way to one of many dispensaries in Santa Ana.  As they examine my paperwork I can smell the piney hoppy sweet sensation of cannabis seeping through the walls.  Walking into a world of experiences trapped in glass.  Each toke a new journey.  A moment’s respite just a bic flick away.  Lights showcasing sativas, indicas, and hybrids.  Smiling budtenders and customers.  Atms, music, air conditioning and cash registers.  Dings, whrrs, and printing of receipts integral to the feeling of acceptance in this place.  For me this small moment felt like an immense victory.  Ever since this inaugural run I have been living the greenkick life and feeling more embraced by California.  For now the vape is hot and inspiration is high.
